Optima Tax Relief Provides Insight on How to Apply for ETAAC Membership

The IRS has announced its open season for membership of the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC), a public discussion forum designed to monitor issues related to electronic tax administration, as well as prevent identity theft and tax refund fraud.  

Optima Tax Relief provides details on the application process for potential ETAAC applicants. Interested applicants should meet specific qualifications including: 

  • Commitment of an unpaid 3-year term beginning in September 2022 
  • Experience in relevant areas including: 
  • State tax administration, information security, cybersecurity, tax software, tax preparation, payroll, financial services, consumer advocacy, or communications 
  • Understanding of the viewpoints of the average taxpayer 
  • Ability to meet in Washington, DC approximately five times each year for two-day sessions 

Qualified applicants should complete the following application steps to be considered: 

  • Complete IRS Form 13768 and submit supplemental documentation including: 
  • Nomination letter written by an individual or organization 
  • Brief statement of interest 
  • Resume documenting qualifications, affiliations, and experience with cybersecurity and electronic tax administration 
  • Submit a tax check waiver form 
  • Pass an IRS practitioner background check and an FBI background check 
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